It did take a while, but it was worth it!
After finishing the Queen of Hearts dress , I already knew what was coming next. As you know, I’m making a special line of one of a kind gowns. These will be made as if I was making something for myself. Meaning that I make the dress as I imagine it, I take as much time as I need, I think and rethink things, make and unmake them until I am happy. No rush, no external requests. Just my work, able to spread its wings.
I wanted to make a sort of flirty 1950s inspired thing. With lots of tulle. Something that could remember Giselle’s costumes. A ballerina, but also a pin-up.
I wanted it to not to folk costumes, and fairytale illustrations. I wanted dramatic shape, textures, luxurious materials and clever ideas for unexpected elements.